الخدمات الإستشارية
Case Studies
Setting up a Department within the Ministry of Finance
Our Task:
Current accounting standards for the public sector do not provision for a proper market value representation of the assets of the stated owned companies. To enable the reform and PPPs of the state owned companies the market value of their assets needs to be determined with the leadership of a new Unit within the Ministry of Finance.
Our Approach:
We helped the client in the set-up and operational readiness of the new unit – including Org. structure, key roles/ job profiles, hiring, defining of processes & templates, design of the supporting IT systems, training and coordination support with other ministries.
Our Impact:
Within 5 months the new unit was staffed, trained, operational and clearly positioned at the other ministries government bodies . The Unit also started the operational coordination with the other ministries and the collection of the asset data for a market based valuation.
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